We Are In The Powerful Grip of Mind-Constructed Beliefs, Narratives, and Self-Definitions

counseling fractalpsychology guilt guilttrip horriblechildhood howtochangelimitingbelief howtochangemindset howtoeliminateguit iamunlovable limitingbelief mindmadeillusion negativeselfimage powerofsubconsciousness selfinflictedlimitation senseofguilt unconsciousblock unconsciousmind unconscouspattern Dec 20, 2022
Woman's profile shape in black against red background with white spider web filled inside

Release ourselves from unconsciously accumulated guilt and our self-definitions that emerge from the guilt


In my work, I offer my clients the opportunity to examine their subconscious mind and recognize a particular pattern influencing their decision-making process. Suppose the pattern is a hindrance that has prevented them from feeling confident, fulfilled, or happy. In that case, I guide my clients to modify the pattern so they can move forward in the direction of building their desired future for themselves.  


I sometimes meet people who have not allowed themselves to live happy lives. In most cases, they have been trapped in their life patterns in which they repeatedly experience situations where they end up feeling “whenever things seemed to be going well, for some reason it doesn't work out, or something happens and ruins the opportunity.”


And if I ask my client a couple of questions to examine the cause of it, I usually find that the person has these types of unconscious behavioral patterns:



  • A person who hates or resents someone and makes the individual wrong and blames the individual as one's perpetrator in one's mind. 


  • A person who feels the urge to attack others in one's mind whenever one perceives happy people and becomes envious, critical, or holds ill thoughts against them. 


  • A person who is always holding someone else accountable for one's emotional state and the circumstance one is in.  


  • A person with a grievance complains about one's own circumstance without putting forth enough effort to change it. 



These habitual behavioral patterns result in people accumulating unconscious “guilt” in their subconscious mind without knowing it.  Guild produces a notion such as, “I am a bad person who doesn't deserve anything good,” which influences our decision-making process to align the self-image.


Suppose you think of yourself as a bad person somewhere in your mind because of that unconsciously accumulated guilt. In that case, you have probably been making choices that prevented you from feeling worthy,  happy, or fulfilled.



What we thought happened in our childhood was an interpretation through our limited perspective, so when we make the memory the only truth, we get trapped in the mind-made narrative


These feelings of guilt are often related to events in one's childhood rather than being created in adulthood. For example, one may have resented one's mother for always taking care of one's younger siblings, so one decided to act out badly to get one's mother's attention back. For desperate children, even negative attention is attention. When their mother yelled at them, they were getting their Mom's attention all to themselves. And some children intentionally break things or bully their younger siblings, trying to get more attention from their parents by becoming demanding, annoying, and causing disruptions.  


While anger toward parents and siblings may seem ordinary and trivial, these small thoughts accumulate and gradually become guilt that becomes powerful enough to attract events and people in the outside world, which block us from becoming confident and content.


Also, if a person's subconscious mind believes, “My parents never loved me or didn't take care of me enough,” the person may have come up with a self-definition such as "I am unlovable," then this thought pattern gradually accumulates energy charge and attracts situations where this person experiences “I am unlovable and lonely.”  



There is a method to release ourselves from unconsciously accumulated guilt in the deep conscious mind


Our beliefs, self-definition, or narratives influence our decision-making process, but we don't recognize it since those patterns have become so unconscious and automatic.


With my counseling sessions, you can learn the mechanism of mind, examine your unconscious blocks, and start to release yourself from them and focus on the direction you would like to move forward.


If you are interested in my private counseling sessions, please click HERE to read more details and pricing. You can read testimonials from my clients by clicking HERE.


Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work. 

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