Dr. Farrah Khaleghi
Saemi Brought Me The Greatest Gift Of All: Oneness With Myself.
I'm a psychologist and have been in therapy for many years, and meeting with Saemi was meant to target something different...
The work that unfolded over the two years of work together, was coming home to myself.
Through the work with Saemi, I reunited with the child within me and through that journey I healed, recentered, and lived the new intentions I wanted for my life as a responsible, capable, nurturing presence for myself and for my loved ones.
Saemi is a paradigm shift, as a person and in her work.
Embarking on work with Saemi takes commitment, fortitude, and a willingness to change your life from the inside out. The outcomes speak for themselves and I am grateful every day for my time with Saemi.
I’m in the very beginning stage of this great expansion and working on cultivating and deepening it …
In deepest gratitude,
- Valli Baron, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Moylan Ryan, Arizona
...it's brought closure to my endless search for me. A new beginning has arrived...
I'm extremely grateful for the insight gained as a result of the work we completed today.
I've spent many years exploring my subconscious, participating in psychotherapy, training as a counselor/therapist. I've worked with coaches, read an endless number of Self-Help books, and attended hundreds of courses. I've sat with Gurus in the Himalayas, listened to Avatars in Bangalore, meditated, contemplated, and deliberated...
It's not until today that I discovered the answer to a question that I had forgotten how to ask. Everything became clear... fell into place... I now understand my Self. I'm deeply grateful for this opportunity; it's brought closure to my endless search for me. A new beginning has arrived...

To me, it seemed almost delightful, that life could be so easy and uncomplicated
 “I just listened to the audio you prepared, and it made me feel so much stronger and livelier than I have ever felt before. I kept thinking, is this me or someone else I am listening to? This is so amazing; it's like I am creating a new version of myself. Who is this guy?
Later, during a NeuroDynamic Breathwork session, I realized that what happened was my depression literally lifted today. This was the first time in my life I felt this way. After I listened to the audio, I went into the kitchen to get something, and I remember how easy and casual this mundane experience was.Â
To me, it seemed almost delightful, that life could be so easy and uncomplicated. Thank you so much, Saemi. I will always feel deeply indebted to you for this gift.”Â
- Ruddy Havill in Ashland, Oregon

Hisano Shepherd, Los Angeles
I choose to be happy. I take ownership of my own happiness, and that gives me joy, independence and liberation.Â
Saemi skillfully uncovered the Pandora’s box buried deep within my subconscious. The box was filled with misconceptions and limiting beliefs I held onto so tightly as my only truth. With her guidance, I witnessed how my skewed beliefs toward my parents, guardians and my brother had been inhibiting my growth to become the authentic self that I am.
This journey of uncovering was difficult at times, but once I saw how these perceptions were formed so early in my childhood it was also easy to comprehend how foolish it is to hold them with such value.  I got to break down the wall of lies built with blame and shame that constrained me to be so small and limited.
Saemi’s counseling session was the start of my new life. She equipped me with an abundance of self-correcting affirmations that I began to declare to myself every day. Saemi taught me the steps to shift and improve myself. It is now up to me to continue the path of being fully responsible for my life. I no longer wake up feeling depressed and am living my life responsibly forward. I am rebuilding my broken marriage and taking on new roles at work and the most liberating part about it is the sense of independence and self-love I get to feel while I practice this new way of being.
The most significant message I received from Saemi was that choosing happiness takes courage, determination, and diligent work. My happiness does not fall into my lap from the heavens. It is not my partner’s responsibility nor does it happen by chance. I choose to be happy. I take ownership of my own happiness, and that gives me joy, independence and liberation.
It’s an incredible feeling to feel love toward myself and I am eternally grateful for meeting Saemi.
I am truly grateful for where I am now :) Your sessions - both educational and coaching - really expanded not only my understanding and my mind but my heart too :)
I didn't originally seek out Saemi's sessions but, as they were available as part of NDB facilitator's training course, I decided to take them. I approach them not so much with skepticism as with a partially closed heart. There was something about the notion of 'inner child' that I resented. For me, it was hard work to start accepting this notion. However, as the personal development sessions progressed, I found myself more and more accepting of the 'inner child' notion and existence. And then, unexpectedly, by the time the private session came about, I was able to connect with my inner child. It was truly both a mind and heart opening experience following which I found myself a lot more compassionate both towards myself and others. To me, it is a big deal as, up to that point, I was rather unforgiving, especially towards myself, and it permeated all areas of my life. And now, with the newly-found compassion, I find myself a lot less tense and a lot more open to my humanity than I was before. It had a huge impact on how I treat myself and show up to others.
 - Lina Jan, Psychologist & Life Coach
Marcela Krejci, Los Angeles
The work I’ve done with Saemi was profoundly effective and truly life-changing.Â
I tried different self-development techniques on my liberation journey before but the results I experienced with Saemi and Fractal Psychology can not compare to any of them.
The work with Saemi was a quantum jump for me!
Saemi’s guidance and her skillful recognition of subconscious underlying behavioral and thinking patterns that were causing me problems in certain areas of my life helped me to shift perspective fundamentally. And with the shift of perspective, there comes the shift of everything in life.
My relationships changed. My productivity changed. My creativity expanded. I have much more clarity and understanding than I had before. My capability of being present for myself and others improved greatly.
 The work can be challenging. Especially self-reflection is definitely a challenge, but it's so worth it!
And Saemi embodies all the amazing qualities needed for support and a successful outcome. Her sensitive ability to recognize when to encourage, when just lovingly hold space, when to push to help move forward is admirable and so inspiring.
I haven’t just become a better person, but also a better parent. I am now able to apply some of the wisdom I gained during our sessions into my parenting so my children are benefiting from my work with Saemi too :)

Work With Saemi 1:1
Saemi's unique approach to counselling and inner work will bring you the most profound transformational results that hundreds of her clients have already experienced.

Meditate With Saemi
Experience the healing power of Saemi's extensive library of meditations, tailored according to her unique healing method to free you from conditioning and help you create the life you truly deserve.

Heal, Upgrade & Learn With Saemi
Choose one of Saemi's signature courses to transform and raise the quality of your life through deep Inner Child Work, a high-level Brain Boot Camp or her teachings on the Theory of Advanced World.
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I am beginning to see clearly that the debilitating depression, self-sabotage and hopelessness I experience actually can be transformed.
I've suffered from depression and self-loathing all my life.
After years of psychotherapy, SSRI’s, self-help books and support groups, I was beginning to believe I'd be depressed for the rest of my life.
But during my FIRST SESSION I was brought into a new understanding of who I am and what is really going on inside me.
The little 3 year old girl inside me was the fractal through which I viewed my reality as an adult.
I now have a hope I didn't have before that I can learn to love the little girl inside and all of me.
I am beginning to see clearly that the debilitating depression, self-sabotage and hopelessness I experience actually can be transformed.
I'm still very much in process but I'm starting to believe that it really is possible to be the amazing woman I am.
I'm so grateful for this process and for Saemi and her gentle healing way of guiding me into wholeness and life.
Rachel Boyer, MA, MFTI
After feeling unsatisfied both professionally and personally for a while, I got to a point where I started having health issues.
After my FIRST SESSION, my health, as well as my marriage, feel re-energized.
And after my 4th session, I got this renewed energy and getting progressively better at everything I do and the excitement of continue exploring my potential.
Even a friend of mine told me that I was like shining from the inside and looking really well.
And then, I stopped experiencing any physical symptoms that I've had before! I couldn't believe it.
I have diligently worked with those healing meditations that Saemi had created for me and then my symptoms just disappeared. The doctors eventually couldn't explain it either.
Now I'm a true believer in the work that Saemi has been offering and in the power of self-healing.
Maryna, Washington, D.C.

My session with Saemi was so profound... Far greater than anything achieved in traditional psychotherapy...Â

Saemi describes the brain and which parts process emotions and the trauma we carry.
She deeply listened as I described what it is that I need support with. She then guides you to access earliest memories.
This was my second session with Saemi and both times I was able to see a different perspective of those memories. I didn't even know it was possible to see a different perspective.
I released a lot of emotions during the session and felt so incredibly light and happy after...and since.
The insights gained were so profound. Far greater than anything achieved in traditional psychotherapy.
The session was very spacious in time so I felt very seen and supported. Saemi is so lovely and warm. Her guidance is so loving that I was able to feel totally safe to dive deeply into old wounding.
Saemi also provides support after the session by giving you meditations to listen to for sometime after the session so you can re-program your neural pathways.
If you want to let go of old scripts that hold you back from, love, great health, success with money, career or relationships, Saemi's counseling method is your answer.
Guzel Gjenasaj, Los Angeles, CA
Over the years, being a writer, I’ve made a serious study of my lazy and distracted thinking. Sometimes it feels like freedom but mostly it’s a hindrance. I’m a master of resistance and I know it. Resistance can be justifiable or maybe even helpful momentarily but there comes a time in your life when you want to find out why you invent obstacles to progress.
The fractal counseling session I had with saemi taught me why I do what I do and also how to mediate it and create a balance.
Allan Moyle, Film Director, Screen Writer, Venice
Aleckos J., Topanga Canyon
Saemi showed uncanny skill in guiding me into the process - with patience, perseverance, and confidence.
I've been buzzing around this world of ‘therapy for the therapy minded’ all my life but THIS IS SOMETHING DIFFERENT.
I will not tell you it was easy. But I so appreciated how Saemi refused to let my monkey mind obfuscate my truth.
In three little words, “It’s THE RESULT.”
I couldn't help but wonder about Saemi's methods or training or the idea that someone so lovely could have such wisdom but - never fear – wait for the result, and see for yourself.
Hannah S., Los Angeles
 I have had therapy sessions in the past, but they were never helpful and I decided there was no point in continuing...  But my session with Saemi was unlike any experience I’ve ever had.
 Saemi is amazingly perceptive, thoughtful, and gracious. Even though we explored some very deep places, I felt completely safe with her.
It is incredible how much we uncovered in just one sitting. She created personalized follow-up exercises for me that have been just as powerful as our session.
When I read through them the first time, I cried because they were so insightful and so true. She has shown me that I must face myself and stay consistent if I want to change my life. And because of her guidance, I know I can.
 Forever grateful for her. I am changing my brain and my life!
 Lucia, Slovakia
I felt very safe in Saemi's presence. She told me things as they were, no sugar coating and yet in a very compassionate way. Exactly what I needed.Â
The tools she shared with me helped me access my inner child and I started connecting with myself ever since.
And I found it easier to observe my thoughts and start parenting myself. I am very grateful for her knowledge and the way how she explains everything what was happening with me.
I have a huge gratitude for her work and I feel more confident in myself and motivated to keep working with myself - compassionately and diligently.
Thank you so much Saemi!Â
I met Saemi (virtually) during a Personal Development Course that she masterfully executes. I was immediately drawn to her soft yet commanding voice during the training.
The first child mind meditation took me on a journey that was so profound and impactful.
My engagements with Saemi on one-on-one setting have been like little miracles – every time we met, the insights and breakthroughs became more intense.
During the meditations led by her, I could feel the solutions to many unanswered questions around certain relationships surfacing. I must admit that in the beginning, it was quite a challenge to accept that I (child version) was possibly the instigator of many of the dramas and traumas in my life – the judgments that I have made started making sense.
With this new knowledge, I was able to break the chains of bondage to some old behaviors that no longer served me – Child Verona had to understand her place in Grown-up Verona’s life.
I am grateful to Saemi for the immense amount of growth that I have experienced during the time that we worked together (even when she had to be stern with Child Verona).

My journey of growth continues but I know that I have a great foundation to work from.
Verona, South Africa
In just one session I was able to clear all the mother "issues" and "stories" that I had carried with me for a lifetime.
This is a powerful work and Saemi is a master in what she does.
Since I started 3 months ago in just a short time I am living a much better life and have taken charge of the life stories that I create.
Many of my friends have been taking sessions with Saemi and have had the same experience.
If you are willing and determined to change your life this is the right inner work for you. The results have been mind-blowing for myself and everyone I know who has had sessions with Saemi.
I am very grateful for all the hard work, knowledge and expertise that she puts into her sessions.
I strongly feel that no description of Saemi's technique would do justice to her work. Until one has had a session with her it is hard to imagine how powerful this work is.
Farrah D., Los Angeles, CA
Nenette, Colorado
When I first met Saemi, I had no idea I was meeting a spirit guide in the flesh, but that is what she ended up being to me.
With expert guidance, an immense amount of love and support, and an honesty that connects at the core of your being, Saemi brings new life and an understanding to your inner child.
This part of your being may be lost, forgotten, neglected or perhaps unknown.
Through an array of exercises, you learn to let down your guard, trust and really connect internally in a way that can only be described as a gift.
I had an inner child that was so neglected, that when I found her I thought she was dead. It was initially distressing but I decided to trust the process and Saemi.
I now have a bright, smiling and fully engaged inner child that Is NOT actively sabotaging my reactions and thought processes.
I have a deeper understanding of self and a sense of peace. After many years of working on trying to hide or diminish my shadow self, Saemi guided me into a healing process and stayed with me the entire journey.
I will be forever grateful for her expertise, love and healing presence in my life.
Jennifer, Los Angeles
Thank you so much for such a deep, thoughtful and amazing experience together. It does feel like my brain is growing in this way and my awareness is expanding.
I do know that right now (as you had advised) that the real work comes in and how much I work on from this point is how much I will gain from our counseling session.
I keep going through scenarios now that pop up in head from my life and memories with this new lens/idea and think to myself, how I allowed this idea of my lack of inherent self-worth to really effect the relationships I have all around me. How I manifested & allowed certain treatments because of this inherent idea and through pattern inside...
It's a lot to go through and think about, but I really think it's one of the biggest factors that hold me back from truly achieving all the success I really am capable of and gifts that I would love to truly access and embody.
...it's very enlightening and I really want to work at building the new neural pathways so that I can become truly successful and happy with myself, relationships, decisions, and my life.
Sarah L., Los Angeles
I had wanted to work with Saemi for several years before I committed to rewiring my brain. My first private session with her went really well, and she gave me a set of brain exercises.
And for the next six weeks, I diligently worked on all my brain exercises daily as she instructed. Then, "Oh, Boy!", did I see the results!!
I felt on top of the world, got energy like an energizer bunny, and would magically wake up at 3:30 am without any resistance and start my day (Waking up in the morning had been one of the biggest struggles of my life)!
I gained a clear vision, realized what I was supposed to do next to reach my goals, and all my doubts were no longer inside of me.
If you are serious about helping yourself and you are committed, then Saemi is the guide for you, and you will not regret it. This is the best money I have ever invested in myself.
I am blessed that I found Saemi and feel so lucky she works with such a solid high level of skill and professionalism. You will be in good hands, and your life will never be the same.
Even though I was already aware of some of the sources of my struggles, Saemi's techniques brought me back to relive some of my childhood traumas emotionally.
That enabled me to process my pain as a high functioning adult rather than as a child.
The effects of my session have been ongoing. I have been able to release emotions of anger I knew I had but didn't know how to let them out.
My experience was truly transformative and the session with Saemi opened a door to healing I longed for but didn't know how to open myself. I feel like I can start living a life I fully own, without being weighted down by feelings that don't belong to me anymore. I will always be grateful for that.
Monika, Los Angeles, CA
I have developmental trauma disorder, and I score 8 out of 10 in the ACE (adverse childhood experiences).
As a result of this deep inner work that Saemi presented to me, I rapidly experienced a difference in my life, and slowly I was gaining so much power and self-confidence. To surrender and accept that I was responsible for my own experience and it gave me the power to change my life and stop playing the victim in a way that I was accustomed to. Or I should say that stop being a victim gave me power in my life and allowed me to change it.
I was in her Personal Development Program also and during the course, I went through a tremendous hardship when my husband left our home and asked me for a divorce. I was devastated for a month not knowing what to do, so I contacted Saemi. Privately working together with her, I was again challenged to do what she asked me to do: change myself to change others. As part of the process, I had to apologize to my parents and stop being a victim by making them my perpetrators. I accepted and surrendered to the process. And, two days later, I recognized my husband's shift towards me and he slowly came back into my life. But more than anything, my dynamic with my parents transformed. I went to visit them during my holidays and when I was leaving, my mom started to cry and gave me a huge hug for the first time in 50 years. I felt love from my mom for the first time and the same from my dad.
My relationship with all the people around me has improved. I am feeling much better in my life with my family, children, husband, friends. I am much less of a victim than I was before. However, I still need to continue to work on myself to perceive the world differently.
As a therapist, this deep inner work with Saemi has been valuable for my clients. I have integrated it into my practice, improving my own tools, and helping more people to be more conscious in their life. I highly recommend this work for your own personal development and also, if you have a profession where you support others such as coaching or therapy, to improve your own practice.
Benedicte, Jamaica

Having lived under a self imposed radar for most of my life, not really understanding why I was the way I was or why I couldn't seem to better my life without mental and emotional agony and blaming external sources for my sadness, the one session I have had with Saemi has been like a huge break in the clouds.
It is without doubt the fastest transformation I have ever made.
There is of course always ongoing inner work to do but I feel empowered and like a wall has come down around me.
In a short time, life feels lighter, my outlook way more colorful and my inner world in far less turmoil than before.
Natalie Huntsman, U.K.

Work With Saemi 1:1
Saemi's unique approach to counselling and inner work will bring you the most profound transformational results that hundreds of her clients have already experienced.

Meditate With Saemi
Experience the healing power of Saemi's extensive library of meditations, tailored according to her unique healing method to free you from conditioning and help you create the life you truly deserve.

Heal, Upgrade & Learn With Saemi
Choose one of Saemi's signature courses to transform and raise the quality of your life through deep Inner Child Work, a high-level Brain Boot Camp or her teachings on the Theory of Advanced World.